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Collaborations Between Two National Laboratories and the OSG Consortium Propel Nuclear and High-Energy Physics Forward
High Throughput Community Builds Stronger Ties at HTC24 Week
CHTC Launches First Fellow Program
Registration is open for the European HTCondor Workshop, September 24-27
NOAA funded marine scientist uses OSPool access to high throughput computing to explode her boundaries of research
Advancing computational throughput of NSF funded projects with the PATh Facility
Addressing the challenges of transferring large datasets with the OSDF
Save The Date for the European HTCondor Workshop, September 24-27
Junior researchers advance black hole research with OSPool open capacity
“Becoming part of something bigger” motivates campus contributions to the OSPool
Through the use of high throughput computing, NRAO delivers one of the deepest radio images of space
Astronomers and Engineers Use a Grid of Computers at a National Scale to Study the Universe 300 Times Faster
Ecologists utilizing HTC to examine the effects of megafires on wildlife
Preserving historic Wisconsin aerial photos with a little help from CHTC
Tribal College and CHTC pursue opportunities to expand computing education and infrastructure
OSG School mission: Don’t let computing be a barrier to research
How the GLUE Lab is bringing the potential of HTC to track the movement of cattle and land use change
The American Museum of Natural History Ramps Up Education on Research Computing
Using HTC expanded scale of research using noninvasive measurements of tendons and ligaments
Training a dog and training a robot aren’t so different
The Pelican Project: Building a universal plug for scientific data-sharing
Plant physiologists used high throughput computing to remedy research “bottleneck”
CHTC Launches First Introductory Workshop on HTC and HPC
HTCondor European Workshop returns for ninth year in Orsay, France
OSG David Swanson Awardees Honored at HTC23
Great Plains Regional CyberTeam Expanding Capacity for Computing from Great Plains Campuses
USGS uses HTCondor to advance Mars research
Construction Commences on CHTC's Future Home in New CDIS Building
OSPool As a Tool for Advancing Research in Computational Chemistry
Get To Know Student Communications Specialist Hannah Cheren
The CHTC Philosophy of High Throughput Computing – A Talk by Greg Thain
Distributed Computing at the African School of Physics 2022 Workshop
Fire up the GPUs: UW-Madison, Morgridge project sparks next-level computing
Google Quantum Computing Utilizing HTCondor
Save the dates for Throughput Computing 2023 - a joint HTCondor/OSG event
Get To Know Todd Tannenbaum
Empowering Computational Materials Science Research using HTC
CHTC Leads High Throughput Computing Demonstrations
OSPool's Growing Number of Cores Reaching New Levels
CHTC Hosts Machine Learning Demo and Q+A session
OSG User School 2022 Researchers Present Inspirational Lightning Talks
CHTC Facilitation Innovations for Research Computing
High-throughput computing: Fostering data science without limits
UW–Madison's Icecube Neutrino Observatory Wins HPCwire Award
Over 240,000 CHTC Jobs Hit Record Daily Capacity Consumption
PATh Extends Access to Diverse Set of High Throughput Computing Research Programs
Meet Joe B. from the CHTC
Solving for the future: Investment, new coalition levels up research computing infrastructure at UW–Madison
NIAID/ACE students attend this year’s OSG User School 2022
Technology Refresh
OSG User School Concludes
LIGO's Search for Gravitational Waves Signals Using HTCondor
Retirements and New Beginnings: The Transition to Tokens
The Future of Radio Astronomy Using High Throughput Computing
Expediting Nuclear Forensics and Security Using High Throughput Computing
Testing GPU/ML Framework Compatibility
UW Statistics Course using HTC
Using HTC and HPC Applications to Track the Dispersal of Spruce Budworm Moths
Using high throughput computing to investigate the role of neural oscillations in visual working memory
OSPool Hits Record Number of Jobs
Introducing the PATh Facility: A Unique Distributed High Throughput Computing Service
The role of HTC in advancing population genetics research
A Long-Awaited Reunion: HTCondor Week 2022 in Photos
High-throughput computing as an enabler of black hole science
NIAID/ACE - OSG collaboration leads to a successful virtual training session
Expanding, uniting, and enhancing CLAS12 computing with OSG’s fabric of services
Learning and adapting with OSG: Investigating the strong nuclear force
Machine Learning and Image Analyses for Livestock Data
Harnessing HTC-enabled precision mental health to capture the complexity of smoking cessation
Protecting ecosystems with HTC
80,000 jobs, 40 billion base pairs, and 20 bats –– all in 4 weeks
Centuries of newspapers are now easily searchable thanks to HTCSS
Resilience: How COVID-19 challenged the scientific world
Scaling virtual screening to ultra-large virtual chemical libraries
Transforming research with high throughput computing
Using HTC for a simulation study on cross-validation for model evaluation in psychological science
Antimatter: Using HTC to study very rare processes
OSG fuels a student-developed computing platform to advance RNA nanomachines
How to Transfer 460 Terabytes? A File Transfer Case Study
SDSC and IceCube Center Conduct GPU Cloudburst Experiment
Des Expanding Universe
Astronomy archives are creating new science every day
Machine learning insights into molecular science using the Open Science Pool
VERITAS and OSG explore extreme window into the universe
For neuroscientist Chris Cox, the OSG helps process mountains of data
Free Supercomputing for Research - Scott Cole introduces you to OSG
OSG helps LIGO scientists confirm Einstein's unproven theory
Tackling Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems on OSPool